Thursday, March 26, 2009

Posting 4: DOA- Dissertation online

Article 1:
The Future of Call
This article was concerned with an analysis of the present state of CALL and the direction it will take in the future. Teachers and students will use them without fears or inhibition and equally without an exaggerated respect for what they can do which is will not be the centre of any lesson but they will play a part in almost all. There are some concern which is illustrated the variety of teacher perspective toward CALL. There are also clarified beyond doubt that for the vast majority of the participants.
The technological resources and infrastructure available to participants ranged from those at the cutting edge, to situations in a classroom which is has only one computer. This showed that some countries insight of the present reality of CALL. Sometimes this progress was not through computers but through new forms of technology. What interesting is, it not just teachers who worked in well-equipped schools and had ample access to technology and technical support that were closer to normalization. Indeed, it soon became evident that other factors.
Along with the realization that as an international CALL-community we had not progressed significantly towards CALL's next stage, sparked an interest in identifying important factors. For example it was emphasized that when moving forward, the past should not be disregard. Therefore, it was agreed that CALL applications which fit into previous developmental stages. Once this was clarified, it’s also focused on identifying factors which can help towards normalization of CALL. For example, appropriate hardware, software, access to technology, top-down' policy to use computers, teacher training as regards technological literacy, teacher training as regards CALL implementation and many more factors.
All in all, while recognizing that these aspects can either constrain or empower CALL professionals until ended on an optimistic note, with an affirmation of the role of individual CALL professionals.
Resource: HWWilsonRecords(2).html (ELT Journal 60 no4 382-4 O 2006)
Article 2:
Errors and Intelligent in CALL.
CALL is a field in which computers and language play key roles or would be a prominent area of computational linguistics, however would be hugely mistaken. Conversely, journals devoted to CALL contain many articles that readers of this journal would consider far outside the domain of computational linguistics.
From all this things, there is every reason for computational linguistics to be interested in CALL that is likely to be of most interest to computational linguists that is the topic of this book called intelligent of CALL. The purpose of this book is to give an overview of the relevant issues and the state of the art in each of these issues I a way accessible to practitioners of all these fields.
On the whole, the book is a very useful overview of a field of application that have argued elsewhere is very much in line modern trends in computational linguistics. Research students and academics will find a wealth of well-organized information and references for further study. In some cases computational linguist can skip the overview of book because they will already know the first topic to a higher standard than achieved here, but this is the price for having an accessible introduction for all of the surrounding fields of research.
Reference: EBSCOHOST database